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Literature Paradise

Hi,My name is Farshid Rezaee.The present weblog features my poems. I would appreciate your comments. Sen your comments to farshid_rezaee_literature@yahoo.com Thanks for visiting.

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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

I am a university instructor, interpreter and poet.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Poem.9 Raging Reason

Rage of Reason

The thought doth knock,
On mind’s wooden doors,
Haughty reason roars:
“This is a deadlock!”

Raging reason calls,
Words armed with letters,
With chains and fetters,
To guard the mind’s walls.

Thought’s rosy fingers,
Fondle the mind’s hair,
Reason to despair,
With mind lingers.
The thought then lies,
In mind’s open arms,
Reason without charms,
Thus mournfully sighs.

Thus the battle won,
Thought tamed by words,
Winged lettered birds,
The poem is done!

Farshid 7/11/2006

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